Digital Rights Media and Indie Publishing
If you are an independent author and publish digital books, then you need to know what digital rights media (DRM) is and why it applies to your marketing strategy.
A great friend and colleague recently alerted me to an article published by Wired Magazine on the demise of Microsoft’s eBook platform. The platform essentially wasn’t making money, but the closing regurgitated the topic of DRMs and the ownership rights of digital content. To be brief, it means that all those people that purchased books on that platform are losing access to that product. This is no big surprise, but it is something that affects us all as consumers and as vendors on these platforms.
I tackle the question in this video, What is DRM. I also cover why you need to consider the platforms your readers are using. This is a quick overview of the topic, but I believe it will clear up some confusion as well as get you authors thinking about marketing strategies to employ. The most important thing I want you to get out of this is how to make sure your books aren’t ever lost due to a DRM platform shutting down.