3 HUGE Mistakes You are Making on Your USMLE Personal Statement
There are some very common and repeated mistakes that must be avoided if you are hoping to match this season.
There are some very common and repeated mistakes that must be avoided if you are hoping to match this season.
Vivid verbs and imagery are essential tools for a writer. Learn how to pick those words out of other writings and find ways to improve your own work by setting the scene with the correct tone and feeling that you want your readers to feel. Much of a reader's experience is based on how the book or story makes them feel.
After reading a recent article about the benefits of being grumpy, I got mad and argued that is garbage. But did I just make their point? You decide.
The most difficult part of my job is telling an author that a word, sentence, paragraph, or chapter is slowing down their story or not essential to the plot. I am not heartless. I know how much you agonized over those words. But in many instances, it must go. Here are my top three trash worthy elements in your manuscript.
Looking for a quick guffaw. I finally compiled my top 10 memes for editors and writers.
I went looking for a simplified version of how to organize an epic and how the subplots support and frame the overarching plot. I couldn't find one. So, I made one.
Disney World may seem like a children's dream vacation, but the older I get the more I love traveling there as a grown up. Here are my top 5 reasons Disney World is the ideal adult vacation spot.
Protect your freedom of expression, overcome your fears, and publish your work.
Many writers may have unrealistic expectations for an editor, or none at all. Please do these three things before you even shop for an editor.